The Window was created by MUGA in 2019, over a series of dark and conceptual images, he set out to capture the pressure of people living in a modern-day society.
Even before MUGA started working as an artist, the idea of a window fascinated him. In The window, MUGA imagined looking out of an old castle, the cold gaze he felt from the others is being visually presented and collaged together on this window.
A window is something that connects and separates the inside from the outside. When we look out of a window regardless of what’s happening outside, it’s inevitable that we treat the event in front of us as unrealistic or completely irrelevant matters to ourselves. The psychological effect of a window is what intrigues MUGA.
We all live and seek approval, from anyone, one way or another. We create a strong personality within our ‘selves’ for protection while casting away the weaker ‘self’, in order to live as a responsible being within a society. We observe the world through the window of our stronger ‘self’, and yet simultaneously the act is also seen by the weaker ‘self’, eventually putting pressure on one’s ‘self’.
It’s in MUGA’s belief that the pressure we feel from everyone’s gaze today, ultimately arises within ourselves. Through The window, MUGA questions the fundamental concept of ‘self’.
「The Window」は、現代に生きる人々の精神を概念的に表現した作品です。