MOSAIC is a series of work created by MUGA, where he focused on such image processing technology, often regarded as the ‘icon of creation’, and the fictitious imagination that emerged along with it.
One distinctive feature of mosaic, is to disconnect the subject from the image itself, by deconstruction and obscuration, even though the essence of the subject is vaguely captured it remains open at large to the imagination of the viewers.
MUGA took seven photographs off the mosaic parts of the pornographic magazines he used to own during his adolescence. In his memory, these porn magazines were the most stimulating and even inspiring source of possessions in his teenage years. ‘Seven’ is a direct literation of the duration of one week, symbolizing the beginning to the end. By layering, overlapping, blurring and reversing the images, MUGA tries to confront and to relive those vivid moments from his teenage years, creating the opposite to the ‘icon of the creation’ while revealing his own vulnerability.
MUGA questions the chaotic world that we are living in today due to the wide spread of information via the Internet, answers have become instant and no longer obscure, in return the creativity of an individual can sometimes be hindered. By overturning the original value of a mosaic, MUGA wonders perhaps there are other possibilities for everyone living in a modern society.
MOSAIC シリーズは人が画像処理技術モザイクによって引き起こされる虚構に着目し、それを「創造のアイコン」とした捉えた作品です。
MUGAによって撮影され重ねられた7つの画像は彼が思春期に所有していたポルノ雑誌のモザイク部です。彼はそれを自身の想像力が最も刺激されたものの一つとして記憶しています。 7は1週間、始まりから終わりまでを意味し、正像の重なりを童貞・処女とし、もう一方の逆像をその対と見立て「創造のアイコン」として作品へと昇華させました。
MUGAによって撮影され重ねられた7つの画像は彼が思春期に所有していたポルノ雑誌のモザイク部です。彼はそれを自身の想像力が最も刺激されたものの一つとして記憶しています。 7は1週間、始まりから終わりまでを意味し、正像の重なりを童貞・処女とし、もう一方の逆像をその対と見立て「創造のアイコン」として作品へと昇華させました。
Name - Odette et Odile
Type - Photography
Size-W792/H1189 D5 mm
Material - Acrylic , Paper
Exhibition " Ground / home"
Gallery Menio / Nagoya / Japan
Name - Virgin & After virgin
Type - Sculpture
Size-W400/H400 mm
Material - Grass,Film
Name - Virgin & After virgin type2
Type - Sculpture
Size-W250/H250 D61 mm
Material - Grass,Film
Name - Untitled
Type - Sculpture
Size-W600/H595 D5 mm
Material - Grass,Film